We create compelling brands with a well-crafted narrative


Narrowing the gap between internal vision and external market reality

We investigate to understand how the brand is perceived by consumers in order to create a loyal community where values and experiences are shared.


Taking control of the narrative with a pragmatic and effective strategy

We describe and plan the brand image before it becomes visual, ensuring that it addresses a genuine need.


Integrating storytelling into design to create a strong emotional connection and increase positive word-of-mouth

To stand out and ensure your company has a real visual impact, we focus on designing a comprehensive identity adaptable to all platforms. We prioritize a personalized approach to provide you with thoughtful ideas, tailored solutions, and a unique identity.

Our creative

We strategize a compass for your brand's evolution


Together, we align the compass needle to your goals. We establish a strategic framework that creates a high level of cohesion for your brand. This framework helps define the mission and message behind your brand, expressing it clearly and authentically. In this stage, we clarify objectives andvision, define fundamental values, we establish your moto and determine yur achetype.

We dive into an agile path to a clear vision


After analysis, it’s time for decisions. How can we reconcile your image and DNA concretely? That’s the question we answer at this stage of our process together. Collaborating with your team, Palette helps align your brand with your image by defining what sets you apart. We identify big ideas and work together in real-time using the latest collaboration technologies, outlining the precise path from confusion to clarity. With Mos, leave the murky waters to better see your direction.

We establish a vocal identity to distinguish your voice


The tone, words, and expressions we use are part of our identity. The same goes for your business: what is its voice? Let your brand naturally articulate by identifying the right verbal persona. Are you serious or fun? Formal or casual? Down-to-earth or imaginative? We help define language that aligns with your identity to find the right words and tell your story your way. Establishing guidelines, issuing directives, writing texts, or creating kits allows us to give words to your business. Find your voice and make it resonate.

We create visual tools for a complete brand experience


After the voice, the visual style. Equally important for asserting your identity, visual representation allows you to stand out and impact your audience. Our design team takes charge of the various elements forming your online visual identity, starting from a creative briefing and defining the direction you want to take.

We implement action plan to connect with your customers


Finding your voice and visual identity is a key part of your strategy. However, you must effectively and sustainably integrate it into your business, which we help you achieve. Next, you need to establish an action plan to reach your prospects, build a close relationship with your customers, and convert them into sales. We help you reach your customers through various platforms like your website or social networks.



What Types Of Brands Do You Work With?

We work with small and medium business across various industries, including technology, beauty/wellness, food and beverages, hospitality. What better than helping founders bring unique ideas to life? We thrive in an ever-evolving environment, challenging our skills and processes. Our ultimate achievement is seeing our clients grow and conquer the world.


What Is The Average Cost Of A Project?

It depends on your needs and budget. Depending on the scope, our projects range from $4,000 to $50,000.


How Can I Get A Quote?

Send us an email or give us a call, and we’ll schedule a date and time to discuss your project.


How Long Does The Brand Creation Process Take?

To determine this, we need to define your needs. A comprehensive brand strategy service can take up to a year: starting with understanding the consumer and strategy development before brand image development.
For an existing brand looking to rebrand, the process can take 3 to 6 months, considering logo, fonts, colors, and other elements for brand recognition.


How Important Is Brand Identity?

Brand identity is essential for standing out: you must be recognizable. All visual and verbal aspects are involved in creating a consistent voice and visual. It allows you to differentiate and create a connection with customers, who should be able to identify with your brand.

Three elements play a role in brand identity:
Identity: how the target customer perceives you.
Consistency and continuity: differentiation and consistency are crucial for generating the right perception.
Personality: your identity visually communicates your company’s personality through brand strategies.


What Is The Skill Set Of A Brand Strategy Agency?

Most creative agencies offer a wide range of skills and services. They often provide various development capabilities in addition to core skills. Learn more about Mos Studio’s specialties.